Friday, May 22, 2015

Fine Art from this past semester

Some work I made in my Drawing II class this semester. My final was an utter disaster, and I've still yet to document some very important work. But. Here goes:

Mist Composition, charcoal

Brian, graphite

Self Portrait (of the illusion of comfort with yogurt and a snuggie), charcoal pencil

Double Figure, charcoal pencil

Just Let Me Fold This Stupid Paper Airplane, charcoal
And here are some figures:

ink, 5 minutes

ink, 40 minutes

ink, 20 minutes

acrylic, 2 classes

graphite, 60 minutes

charcoal, 5 minutes

charcoal, 20 minutes

charcoal, 15 minutes

charcoal, 45 minutes

charcoal, 45 minutes

charcoal, 10 minutes

charcoal, 45 minutes

charcoal, random times

And here is the only sculpture I liked for my 3D class. It was the very first assignment.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dissociate (unfinished)

This is my Intro to Animation final that I slaved at for a month or so. I developed a knot in my neck, in the swoop of my right shoulder, because I was hunched over a cintiq for hours a day, every day, several days a week, for several weeks.

The music was made by my friend. Regrettably, it's very unfinished (as in, there should be at least another 10-15 seconds), but I don't know if I'll ever get around to finishing it. Perhaps in the summer.

There's a lot I'd like to change at this point but, considering it's my first animation ever, I'm proud of it.

Dissociate (unfinished) from Marcie LaCerte on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

VD is for everybody.

This was my Media 2 final. I was just notified that it is also a semifinalist in the Adobe Achievements Awards, even though I don't think it's terribly good. But whatever!