Thursday, April 23, 2015

Learning to Love You More x2

So, in one of my classes, we were tasked to film a 3-minute documentary (without music) that followed one of the prompts on the Learning to Love You More website.

I was struggling to get this completed on time, since I was literally in Colorado over Spring Break, so I decided, at the last minute, to film a sort of experimental documentary based on prompt 43: "MAke an exhibition of the art in your parent's house." The first iteration, set to the tune of "Sometimes You Gotta Make It Alone" by Money Mark, can be found here and not embedded at low res.

Unfortunately, I fucked up. This was only a minute and a half long, and it was set completely to the tune of music. It was essentially a music video. My teacher, kind as she is, allowed me to make another, which I think actually turned out better than the first (even though I tried way less hard on this one than the first one). This was based on prompt 33: Braid someone's hair.

Living Space from Marcie LaCerte on Vimeo.

It was pretty hard to color correct since it was all filmed indoors at night at a high ISO, and everything turned out kind of too pink, but whatever. I almost like how unrealistic and soft and pink it is. I tried somewhat hard with the cinematography, sort of, kind of, though I was told that it looks mostly like a "home video," so I guess I failed in that respect.

I really enjoyed the editing process of trying to create an intimate documentary portrait of someone, and I'm doing something like this for my final project for the class. So stay tuned for THAT, because that's gonna be fun.

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