Monday, May 2, 2016


I took storyboard this semester, and though I got off to a bad start (in that I didn't turn anything in because I was too lazy), I think I made somewhat of a breakthrough, and the technical aspects I learned have helped me a lot. So, here are my two favorite storyboards. To make it interesting for myself, I made them extremely ridiculous and a bit NSFW. (You have been warned.)

The teens at my internship really love the cereal one. I was insecure about showing it, but the instructor really wanted me to (god bless her), and when I expressed this insecurity to one of the students, she was like, "We are the 'Shrek is love, Shrek is life' generation, and nothing scares us," and I was like, tru.


cereal commercial animatic from Marcie LaCerte on Vimeo.