Monday, December 7, 2015

classroom portraits

I like to draw in class when I have my sketchbook and a drawing utensil with me. Too often I will be missing one or the other, but I recently bought a small sketchbook and started carrying around a hard pencil case. So it's been good.

I've been really inspired by the work of Linnea Sterte, whose pencil and digital illustrations are confident, colorful, and extremely striking. I decided to digitally color some sketchbook stuff with her work in mind.

These were all drawn during a visiting artist lecture by Lauren McCarthy, whose work is incredible and very, very smart.

This is taken from a photo of Lauren McCarthy!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I just made an instagram (marslizard)

follow me at marslizard, i literally have no friends who use instagram

A photo posted by marcia lacente (@marslizard) on