
I'm graduating in a year and a half—a semester later than I originally would have had I not transferred schools. Ahead of me is a period of incredible uncertainty and insecurity for my future, though I also expect immense personal and academic growth. I'll be a month away from 22 by the time I leave college and enter the adult world. I'm interested in some graduate programs, and I'm uninterested in menial work to subsidize an art degree. I'm very scared.

So this list is basically things I've always wanted to do or felt I should do, but I never got around to it or have been (up until this very moment) too afraid/lazy/incompetent. This is a preparatory list for functioning adulthood, a self-betterment program, a compilation of cultural milestones I've somehow missed.

I will put a link to this in the sidebar as well so I can refer back to it and cross things off my list as I go.

Start: August 24, 2015
Finish: December 16, 2016

  1. Create a hand-drawn animation in oil pastels.
  2. Finish Thporth.
  3. Start a series of daily self-portraits on December 27, 2015.
  4. Obtain film camera and shoot a series in black-and-white in the winter.
  5. Carry a small sketchbook whenever visiting the MIA (or another museum); take time to sketch artwork.
  6. Work on personal journal at least once every week.
  7. Screenshot stills from films and TV and study them later.
  8. Go to life drawing class every Sunday.
  9. Paint something small every week.
  1. Find a therapist and go once a week. Resolve no-longer-latent mental issues.
  2. Get all As in one semester of school.
  3. Find an enjoyable exercise and do it for 30 minutes three times a week.
  4. Plan all meals; document recipes and photographs. Strive for 1200 calories.
  5. Take a walk alone once a week; explore surroundings and take pictures. Listen to podcasts.
  6. Keep a planner.
  7. Clean apartment/bedroom every week on Sunday.
  1. Go on a roadtrip through the American southwest (this can be done after graduation). 
  2. Visit Lake Superior.
  3. Go camping at Medora.
  1. Syllabus: Notes From an Accidental Professor by Lynda Barry
  2. Mythologies by Roland Barthes
  3. Fun Home: A Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel
  4. Labyrinths by Jorge Louis Borges
  5. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
  6. The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
  7. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
  8. Faust by Johann von Goethe
  9. The Principles of Uncertainty by Maira Kalman
  10. Paradise Lost by John Milton
  11. From Hell by Alan Moore
  12. Bluets by Maggie Nelson
  13. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks
  14. Macbeth, King Lear, and Othello by William Shakespeare
  15. Tristram Shandy by Lawrence Sterne
  16. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  17. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
  18. Salome by Oscar Wilde
  19. A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf
  20. King James Bible (Exodus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel I and II, Kings I and II, Job, Song of Solomon, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Jonah // Matthew, Mark, Luke-Acts, John, Corinthians I, Revelation)
  1. 3 Women
  2. 8 1/2
  3. A nous Amours
  4. Akira
  5. An Autumn Afternoon
  6. Andrei Rublev
  7. Badlands
  8. Ballad of Narayama
  9. The Beaches of Agnes
  10. Beauty and the Beast (Jean Cocteau)
  11. Birdman
  12. Blade Runner
  13. Bonnie and Clyde
  14. Cinema Paradiso
  15. Cleo from 5 to 7
  16. Cool Hand Luke
  17. Dazed and Confused
  18. Don't Look Now
  19. Dr. Strangelove
  20. Elevator to the Gallows
  21. Frances Ha
  22. Gates of Heaven
  23. The Godfather I and II
  24. Grave of the Fireflies
  25. Gummo
  26. Harakiri
  27. In the Mirror of Maya Deren
  28. In the Mood for Love
  29. La Dolce Vita
  30. Leolo
  31. Mad Max
  32. My Own Private Idaho
  33. Solaris
  34. Taxi Driver
  35. Tokyo Story
  36. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
  37. Y Tu Mama Tambien
  38. Yi Yi
  39. Yojimbo

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