Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Monday night sad figures

I was busy this Sunday so I could only go to the two-hour Monday night life drawing co-op. And I was late for THAT, too,  so I really only got in an hour and a half of drawing. But suffering is essential.

I'm sorry. I can't write right now. My roommate is currently speaking into the phone at 100 words per second, and it's hard to think. Here are some (not so) pretty pictures:

These are all out of order because computers are sadistic automatons. All the images were made in less than 15 minutes. I just don't have the attention span for longer poses anymore. I just don't.

Yes this was a man. Yes he had wide hips. My roommate was like, "Is that a woman?" and I was like, "No, you fool. This is a well-endowed healthy young man." This was the second oil pastel I did. Also the second I've ever done in my life.

This started off as a blind contour but then even I got too lazy for that. So now it's just....a normal drawing.

He did the same pose like three times. Most of the male models are kind of bad.

I tried my hand at oil pastel portraiture. Turned out pretty bad, if I do say so myself.

This was the first oil pastel I did! My roommate doesn't like it but I actually think it's better than the others. I love colors.

I BOUGHT A CHINA MARKER THIS WEEK!! It's amazing! I cannot imagine how I lived my life without it. This is a study of a figure drawing I made a few weeks ago, just to get a feel for the tool. It's very lovely.

As I said before, I came in late, so I missed all the gestures and stuff. I think this was actually made in three minutes, perhaps five, but I'm not sure. It was the first of the night which is why it's all wobbly, but I kind of like it. The objects fall towards us in a Cezanne-esque way.

And finally, this is a doodle of the girl who supervises the figure drawing co-ops. She's super cute and nice and this isn't the first drawing I've done of her. Fear me.

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